

Yields 6 to 8 small portions or one 10-by-10-by-2-inch dish

This tiramisu is best prepared the day before. If you’re in a hurry, you can cheat by putting it in the freezer for a couple of hours, and then the refrigerator just before you’re about to serve. As it contains raw eggs, this dish should be consumed within two days.

18 ounces/ 500 grams mascarpone cheese
4 large eggs, separated
4 tablespoons granulated sugar (white or brown)
1 cup espresso
1 to 2 tablespoons liquor, like Kahlua, Armagnac or Brandy (optional – add an extra tablespoon of sugar if you’re omitting the liquor)
20 to 25 sponge ladyfingers
2 tablespoons cocoa powder

Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then chill in the refrigerator while you prepare the other ingredients.

Combine the sugar and the egg yolks, mixing well until the yolks turn a light yellow. Add the mascarpone one spoonful at a time, ensuring that each spoonful is fully incorporated before adding the next, until all the mascarpone is added and you get a silky pale yellow mixture.

Remove the egg whites from the fridge and slowly fold them into the egg/mascarpone mixture, a few tablespoons at a time. Be careful at this stage to maintain the foamy texture of the egg whites as this is what will increase the volume of the mousse and add a certain ‘lightness’ to the final dish.

Mix the espresso and liquor (if using) and pour it into a shallow dish big enough to accommodate the length of the sponge finger. Working quickly, dip both sides of the finger in the liquid, leaving the biscuit for no longer than 5 seconds on each side. You want to get them just nicely soaked, but not too wet – if they’re insufficiently soaked, your Tiramisu will be too dry, if too much, the liquid will seep from the fingers and produce a watery Tiramisu.

Line the soaked sponge fingers in one layer across the bottom of your serving dish. Generously pour about half of the mascarpone mousse on the fingers, then top with another layer of fingers. Spread the rest of the mousse over the second layer, then chill in the refrigerator for at least 6 to 8 hours before serving.

When you’re ready to serve, dust the top with cocoa powder and cut the Tiramisu into desired portions.